Node Monitor
Pull-Down Menu
There is only one entry in this menu:
• Exit
This will close the Node Monitor. Note however that if the node has
been disabled using ‘Stop Node’ (see below), it will not resume data
exchange until enabled again using ‘Start node’.
This menu controls the data exchange for the node. This feature can
help isolate problems associated with a particular node.
• Start Node
Enable the transactions associated with the node.
• Stop Node
Disable the transactions associated with the node.
This menu is used to specify and issue a command manually.
• Select Command
Select a command to be sent on the sub-network.
• Send Command
Send the specified command to the sub-network.
This menu specifies the number of columns in the Monitor
• Free
The number of columns depends on the width of the window.
• 8 Multiple
The number of columns will be fixed to 8.
This menu specifies the data representation in the Monitor Section.
• Hex
Display the data in hexadecimal format.
• Decimal
Display the data in decimal format.