When helmets left out in the sun for extended periods of time, it may fade overtime.
HJC hereby extends a limited warranty to the purchaser of a HJC helmet that the helmet is free of defects
in materials and workmanship.
This warranty is applicable to manufacturer's defects only and the warranty period varies between HJC
models. The RPHA Series warrants up to 5 years from the date of purchase or 7 years from date of
manufacture, while all other models warrant up to 3 years from the date of purchase or 5 years from date
of manufacture (whichever comes first). This warranty does not apply to any problems that arise from
wearer’s misuse, negligence, modifications, accidents, etc. A change of fluorescent color is not subject
to warranty as this is a typical characteristic of fluorescent color; it may fade or degrade depending on the
user’s environment.
Any warranty of merchantability and any implied warranty are hereby expressly disclaimed. In addition HJC
shall not be liable for any consequential damages.
In order to receive warranty, please take your helmet, your receipt showing the date of purchase, and a
brief memo that includes a description of the problem, your name, and phone number to the authorized
HJC dealer from which you purchased your helmet.