Basic Operations
Frame Advance
While in PAUSE mode during playback, press 9 button to view the video one frame at a time. Press
PAUSE to resume play.
Skip Playback
While playing back your tape you can skip forward by pressing the FRAME ADVANCE button. The tape
will search ahead for about a minute and then resume playing.
Slow Motion
To slow the playback speed to exactly the pace you want, press PLAY, VCR1 or VCR2 on respective
mode, then press one of the VOLUME/SLOW buttons. Press VOLUME/SLOW (
) to slow down, press
) to speed up. The more times you press, the slower or faster the slow motion.
If you want to minimize noise in slow motion playback, first set the VCR in still playback and press VCR1
or VCR2 on respective mode, then press either of the TRACKING buttons (
) to minimize vertical
Then set the VCR in slow playback and press VCR1 or VCR2 on respective mode, then press
TRACKING buttons to minimize visual noise bands on the screen.
After 5 minutes in slow motion playback, the VCR will stop the tape automatically to prevent damage to
the tape and the VCR.
To return to playback at a normal speed, press PLAY. To stop the tape, press STOP.
To Find Specific Sections on a Tape
Visual Search
This function lets you search backward and forward through the videotape while viewing it.
Using the buttons on the VCR:
Press PLAY and then REW to search in reverse.
Press PLAY and then F.FWD to search ahead.
Press PLAY again to return to to normal playback.