Hitachi R-Z527 Instruction Manual Download Page 1

Thank you very much for buying  HITACHI product.Before using the refrigerator, please read the instruction 
manaul carefully for the correct usage.

Safety suggestion
Identification parts
Before requiring repair 
(calling for service)









HITACHI Refrigerator

Instruction manual 


430-RPK3084401.indd   1

430-RPK3084401.indd   1

27/2/2551   15:58:37

27/2/2551   15:58:37

Summary of Contents for R-Z527

Page 1: ...ction manaul carefully for the correct usage Safety suggestion Identification parts Installation Operation Cleaning Before requiring repair calling for service Contents Page R Z527 ᛳ䃱ᙼ䙌 ˈՓ ᮹ゟ કDŽ Փᙼℷ ˈ Փ ބ ㆅࠡˈ䂟䁇䮅䁾ᯢ DŽ ᅝܼџ 䚼ӊ䄬 ᬒ㕂 ๗ ᠧ䳏䁅ࠄ ׂ ࢭПࠡ 䃂䀶 ࢭ Ⳃ䣘 Model ൟ HITACHI Refrigerator Instruction manual Փ 䁾ᯢ ...

Page 2: ...ity and smell Do not damage the cord by placing any heavy object on it 50 140 CAUTION 1 Install the refrigerator on the strong and leveled floor 2 Please use this refrigerator between the room temperature of 10 o C to 43 o C Sufficient performance may not be obtained if the room temperature is too low or too high 3 Install the refrigerator away from the direct sunlight and other heat sources 4 Ins...

Page 3: ... left 5 MINUS ZERO panel Please do not strike the MINUS ZERO panel The panel may be deformed Since the temperature of the MINUS ZERO panel may reach 0 o C or less in the momentary time please do not let the food touch the panel directly In case of touching the panel food may be freeze When the door is frequently opened and shut in high humidity environment or when food is excessively packed in the...

Page 4: ...position of A 4 Remove the lamp tightly screw the new lamp 5 After replacing the lamp bulb replace the lamp cover Purchase of the lamp For Purchase of the lamp please contact the shop or the dealer Please do not remove a MINUS ZERO panel When necessary please consult with a service agent 2 Drain pan 1 Take 2 screws out 2 Take the middle hook out Be careful for the very hot compressor Request Cauti...

Page 5: ... 亳ક䊃ᬒ ឝⳌѦ䱨 ぎ䭧DŽᬒᕫ䘢ⓓˈ Փ ބ ㆅܻϡ ދ DŽ ឝ䊃ᬒᏆ䅞 亳કˈ㢹䊃ᬒ 亳કˈ ބ ㆅܻ䚼 ᑺ ࡴˈ㗠 䊏䳏䊏DŽ 䂟 ԣ ދ 䗮䘧ˈ ᕅ ࢩ ⱘ ދ DŽ 䂟 ᆚ䭝ᆍ ǃล㝴㹟 ֱ冂㝰ㄝˈᇛ亳કᆚᇕᕠ ݡ 䊃ᬒˈҹ䰆亳કⱘ ӑ㪌ⱐ㟛 ᶧ ੇDŽ 䂟 ᇛ 䞡 ક ວԣ䳏 ˈ ࠛ າDŽ ᛣџ ᬒ㕂 ބ ㆅᮐᑇഺෙ ⱘഄ䴶ϞDŽ 䂟Փ ބ ㆅ ๗ ᑺ ća ćˈ ބ ㆅϡ㛑 ߚܙ Ꮉ 㢹 ๗ ᑺ 催 ԢDŽ ᬒ㕂 ބ ㆅ䘴䲶᮹ Ⳉܝ ᇘⱘจ᠔ঞ Ҫ 䰘䖥DŽ ᬒ㕂 ބ ㆅᮐ ᑺ䓗Ԣঞ䗮乼㡃དⱘจ᠔DŽ Փ ބ ㆅ䘽 ⱘᎹ ˈ ބ ㆅ 䴶ឝֱ 㟇ᇥ FP催ᑺⱘぎ䭧ˈ㚠䴶 FPˈ 㗠ܽ و FPˈҹ ᮐぎ ᕾ DŽ 䂓ᭈ ބ ㆅᑩ䚼䂓ᭈ㝇ˈՓ ބ ㆅᑇ DŽ ᇛࠡ㪟ᣝ ೪Ё᠔ ᮍ ᬒ㕂ˈϺᇛ ᦦܹᄨЁⳈࠄ䥪ᅮԡ㕂DŽ 両ᅮ䳏ວ 䰸њᣛᅮ ބ ㆅϞⱘ П ˈ䂟 Փ ϡヺড়㽣Ḑⱘ䳏ວDŽ 䂟ஂ Փ ຕᦦᑻ...

Page 6: ...ક㟛㬀㦰 ޡ ˈ䂟 ֱ冂㝰 ล㝴㹟ㄝᇕᆚˈ ᬒܹᆚ䭝Ⲧˈ㢹 ޡ 䈵ҡᄬ ˈ䂟䂓 ᮟ䟩 ᔅ DŽ 䂟 ᛣ ޡދ ᅸ ބ พ㻑 㟇 ԡ DŽ ᡁ䔝㻑 ބ ṓ েབ೪ˈ ބ พे㨑ܹ ܻⲦބ DŽ 䂟 ᡁ 㻑 Ⲧބ བ೪ Ҫ ᮍ ҹ ܡ 㻑 Ⲧބ າDŽ 䂟 Ⲧބ 㻑 ބ ҹ ܡ 㺖DŽ ᛣ ދ 㮣ᅸ ֱ ބ 冂Ⲧ ֱᣕ㙝串㟛儮ⱘᮄ冂㗠ϡ ޡ DŽ 㢹䳔䭋ᳳᄬᬒ㙝串 儮ˈ䂟ᄬᬒᮐ ޡދ ᅸDŽ 䂟 ᛣˈ亳ક ޡ ⱘৃ㛑㢹 ӑ DŽ 䮰䭝 ބ ㆅ䭔ᰖˈᶹⳟֱ冂Ⲧᰃ 䮰དˈ ҹ ܡ 䮰䭔ᰖ ᩲ າDŽ ֱ ބ 冂Ⲧ 㲟ᶊ ৃҹᬒ 业䲲㲟ˈᇛ㚠䴶䔝䘢 ৃᬒᇣ亳કDŽ 㲟ᶊ Ắᶊ䂓ᭈ ᇛ ᶊࠡッᢀ䍋ˈ ݡ ᕔࠡᢝߎDŽ 䂓ᭈ ދ 㮣ᅸⱘ ᶊヺড়ᄬᬒⱘ亳કDŽ ᵰ㦰Ⲧ ᇛ䂓 ṓ Ꮊ ࢩৃֱᣕ㬀㦰ֱ冂ⲦЁⱘ ᑺˈ ᇛ䂓 ṓ ে ࢩৃֱᣕђ ᑺDŽ 㢹㽕ᄬᬒ㬀㦰 ᵰˈ䂟ᇛ䂓 ṓᮟ䔝ࠄᎺ و DŽ Ā0 186 52āᵓ 䂟 ᇛ亳ક ᩲ ...

Page 7: ...ˈܻຕϞህ 䳰DŽ ᄨᰃ ฉา 䗭ᰃℷᐌ 䈵DŽ ބ ㆅⱘ㸼䴶ⱐ DŽ 㢹䮰䭝ϔ䭔ˈ Ҫ䭔ᠧ䭟DŽ ބ ㆅܻ㺱㕂䰆ℶㆅ储 ҹঞᬷ 䜡ㅵˈᇸ ଳࢩ 丏㐕䭟䭔ᰖˈ㚠ᕠ ⱐ DŽ ᮐ 䭔ⱘ䗷 䮰 ˈ䭟ଳ 䮰䭝ᰖ 乼ວ 㗠Փ Ҫ䭔ᠧ䭟DŽ 㻑 ࢩ ࡥދ ᰖ ⱐߎ ⱘ㙆 DŽ ᑺ䅞 ᰖ ⱐߎล㝴䚼ક 㺖ⱘ㙆 DŽ ᰃ 㙆 㶎 㪌ⱐⲸ ᠧ䳏䁅ࠄ ׂ ࢭПࠡ ϔ ᇛ ބ ㆅ䳏 ᦦ丁ᢨᥝDŽ পߎ ބ ㆅܻ᠔ 亳કDŽ 䰸 Փ 䒳 Ꮢ DŽ 䰸䲷ҹ ⱘ ᰖˈ Ёᗻ ࡥ 䰸ᕠˈ Ϻ ђᏗ DŽ পߎᢑሰǃẮᶊҹঞล㝴䚼ӊ ђ DŽ 䭔㽃ṱᆍᯧᓘ傦ˈ䂟 ᛣֱᣕ DŽ 㢹ҡ ˈ䂟 ђᏗ DŽ ᅠ ᕠᇛপߎ䰘ࡴ䚼કᬒಲॳԡDŽ ᶹⳟᦦ丁㟛ᦦᑻᰃ ᦦདDŽ 䚼ક ᢨϟ䳏 ᦦ丁ᕠˈ䂟ㄝ㟇ᇥѨߚ 䧬 ݡ 䗮䳏 DŽ 㢹 䂓 䰘 ބ ㆅϞˈ䂟 䰸ђ DŽ ล㝴䚼કৃ㛑 㺖 䂟 Փ ҹϟ કˈ ࠛ Փ䚼ક ҹঞ丣㡆 າDŽ ˈ ܝ 㙹ⱖ ˈ ˈⓒ䭟 ˈࠋᄤˈ䝌ˈ...

Page 8: ...01 INST BOOK 475 TAIW 07 ק ʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ˀ ˊˊ ˀˋ क़ᓊʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ˆˀˋˈ ˀˌˇ խᡑʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ˆˀˇˌ ˀ ˌ խʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ˇˀ ˀ ˆˆ ቯᆠʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ˈˀ ˆˉˀ ˌˇˆ তʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ˉˀ ˉ ˀˉˌˆˌ ႂʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳʳ ˊˀ ˇ ˀ ˊˉ ʳʳʳʳ ၞՑ Κֲ م ୮ሽΰ αैٝ ૻڶ ֆ ؑק তࠇࣟሁʳˆʳ ʳˉˈʳᇆʳ ʳᑔʳ Κ ˀ ˈ ˉˀ ˈ ʳ ˀˠ ࣚ೭რߠॾᒣʳˍʳ ˁ ˁ ֲ م ୮ሽጻీʳˍ...
