Description of the
Due to unceasing modification o our products, your r rig rator may b slig tly di
r nt
from this instruction manual,
To get the best energy effici ncy o t is product, pl as plac all s
lv s, draw rs and
baskets on their original position as t
illustration abov .
View of the appliance
1. Controller part
2. Storage shelf
3. Crisper box cover
4. Crisper box
5. Upper door rack
6. Movable door rack
7. Lower door rack
8. Egg tray
Description of the Appliance
Du to unc asing modi ication of our products, your refrigerator may be slig tly di
r nt
rom t is instruction manual, but its functions and using methods remain th sam .
To g t t
b st n rgy fficiency of this product, please place all shelves, draw rs and
bask ts on t
ir original position as the illustration above.
Du to unc asing modi ication o our products, your r rig rator may be slightly different
but its unctions and using m t ods r main the same.
To g t t
b st n rgy
ici ncy o t is product, pl as plac all s
lves, drawers and