Connect your TV to the Internet to access
thousands of streaming channels.
Make any night a movie night
Access more than 500,000* movies and TV episodes across
major streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video, VUDU
and more. Choose from free, rental, and subscription services.
Explore your passions
Your Roku TV offers hundreds of streaming channels to fuel
your passions – including fitness, kids & family, cooking, sports,
religion, travel, International programming and more.
4K Spotlight
The Roku 4K UHD Spotlight channel features many movies and
TV shows available in 4K UHD resolution from streaming services
such as Netflix, Prime Video, VUDU, and more.
Stream sports on the big screen
Choose from over 140 sports channels like ESPN, NBC Sports,
WWE, NBA, and more.
Explore loads of free channels and free
Your Roku TV has hundreds of popular free channels like The
Roku Channel, ABC News, PBS, The CW and more. The Roku
Channel features hundreds of Hollywood hits, all free and
available to watch whenever you want. From comedies, to award-
winners, to cult classics and more, No fees. And no login required.
*Payment required for some channel content. Channels can change and vary by country.
**Cancel before the end of the free trial periods to avoid reoccurring monthly subscription fees. Credit card may be required. Free trials
may only be available to new subscribers and other eligibility restrictions may apply.