Turn on the 1000Hz tone for 100ms
Turn on the backlit in full scale for 5 sec
Recall the last channel number, TX power settings and operational mode
If no last channel info, go to Channel 16, TX Power be Hi
Volume set level 5 (default),max is level 9.
Squelch set levle 5 (default),max is level 9.
Volume Control (Knob)
Adjust the coding knob to control the loudspeaker volume level.
Squelch Control (Knob)
At the radio normal mode to adjust the squelch level, short press the coding knob will
Flash SQL’s level , clockwise or anti clockwise the coding knob to select SQL level accordingly.
Channel UP/DOWN (Knob)
At the radio normal mode to adjust Channel Up/Down. short press the coding knob twice will Flash Channel
Number, clockwise or anti clockwise the coding knob to select Channel Number according,then short press
the coding knob to exit the setting status.
Summary of CH16/9 Key operation:
Jump to either Channel 16 or 9 (priority channel) directly by pressing the 16 / 9 Key (short press to jump to
priority CH16 at High Power and long press to jump to priority CH9 at High Power) if the current channel is
not the priority channel.
Note: Accessing the priority channel will change the power setting to high power. The user can
change the power setting to low power by pressing H/M/L/LOCK key. If the priority channel is
limited by the cloning software for 1-W only, accessing priority channel will still follow the low
power limitation. The setting in the cloning software takes precedent. It is done to make it
consistent with the Fix VHF radio.
2. After the channel is tuned to the priority channel, the “P” icon is lit to indicate that the priority CH16 or CH9
has been reached. The coding knob functions normally.
3. When the radio already tunes to the priority channel pressing 16/9 key will revert radio to the previously
used working channel depending on how it being press (see flow chart above).
To reprogram a secondary priority channel:
1. Tune to priority CH9. It is indicated by “P” icon. It is done by pressing “16/9” key for more than 3 sacs.
2. Then, press and hold the “16/9”key for 3 seconds.
3. and the current secondary priority channel number should start flashing.
4. While the channel number is flashing, it can be changed with clockwise or anti clockwise the coding
knob.The selection can be saved by pressing the “16/9” key and the screen display “P” icon to indicate that
the secondary priority channel has been changed.
5. The user can reprogram the secondary priority channel on the HM160MAX