1. Check Signal Strength
Enter the signal checking mode by operating on the control panel. Trigger the detector.
Solid Green for 3 s - Strong Signal
Solid Orange for 3 s - Medium Signal
Solid Red for 3 s - Weak Signal
Red light flashes for 3S - Lost Signal
2. Install the Detector
Dig the groove to disassemble the device.
Method 1: Secure the rear panel to the wall with two screws.
Method 2: Paste rear panel on the wall with the sponge tape.
Note: To make the TAMPER work properly, the thickness of the sponge tape should be no more than 1mm.
Installing with sponge tape is non EN compliant.
Close the front and the rear panel.
Note: You should install the sensor and the magnetic stick at the door or window’s edge. Make sure they are aligned with the door or window’s edge.
Method 1.
Method 2.
(optional)route the cable through
cable hole if external inputs required.
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology CO.,Ltd. No.555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
Signal Strength Test