8 DS-2XS6A25G0-I/CH20S40
© Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Finally & staying within HIK-Central webpage go to:
System-Network-Wan Access. Enable Wan Access.
You have to do port mapping for ports below if your sever is connected to a router.
Populate the following fields below (x1 IP address & x5 port numbers):
IP/Domain: Public facing IP address of 4G Solar camera
ISUP Registration Port: 5660
ISUP Alarm Receiving Port (TCP): 7332
ISUP Alarm Receiving Port (UDP): 7334
ISUP Streaming Port: 7661
ISUP Streaming Port (Via Plugin): 16000
The following ports must be port forwarded also.
Once camera is added in HIK-Central check “Register status” in web page of camera.
It may be required to refresh both camera webpage & encoding device menu web
page before moving on.
Once camera is online open up control client to view livestream.