Highway The Wizard Manual Download Page 6

Page 6

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If the Transceiver is placed Indoors

If located in construction shack or other permanent or semi-permanent loca -
tion, place antenna in suitable external location and connect antenna lead-in to
terminal at lower right side of case.

If the Transceiver is placed Outdoors

Screw antenna securely into coaxial antenna connector
No personnel should be closer to the antenna than 7 unobstructed inches.

Select power source

12 volt operation

A connection cable is provided for plugging into a standard automo -
tive cigarette lighter.  Cables for connecting to other 12V DC sourc -
es are available.

Initial Set-up

Open front cover.
Turn on main power switch.
 Different lights will turn on depending on
the settings.

The voltage indicator light bar
should indicate 12V.  However, the
unit will function normally when
provided by at least 10V DC


Antenna connector

12V Power connector

Message Set-up

There is a provision for storing 3 different messages.  Messages can be
recorded in the field.  They will be more readily understood if the back -
ground noise is minimized, and the
person recording the message speaks

To Record A Message 

Place Mode Switch in “SETUP”
position.  Recording a new message
will erase any message previously
recorded at that message position.

Place “Message Selection” switch in
position 1, 2, or 3.

Squeeze the microphone to depress the
mic switch, and speak.  Release “Record”
switch only after complete message has

been recorded.  Keeping
the message as short as
practical will minimize
inconvenience to CB users.  The system will record a mes-
sage as long as 18 seconds.  The number of seconds
remaining will be displayed.

To Listen and Confirm Recorded Message(s)

1.  Select message 1, 2 or 3.
2.  Press “Push to Listen” momentarily
and release to hear any recorded mes -
sage.  This will not alter messages. 

It is IMPORTANT in the set-up of the CB Broadcast frequencies to follow
the procedure accurately, and reconfirm certain settings occasionally dur -
ing the broadcast period.  For instance, depending on volume of traffic and
the slowdown rate, message frequency selection may require changing.  It
is also important to keep the message relevant.  Credibility is established
by broadcasting the right message at the right time.  

Transmit Set-up
