RocketRAID 2640X4 BIOS Utility
6. Select the appropriate model from the drop down menu labeled “Controller”, and
press the “Open” button – this will allow you to browse to the extracted BIOS
download (step 1).
7. Highlight the image file, and click the “Flash!” button. The utility will update the
card, then verify the update.
8. Once complete, click on the “Exit” button to close the utility. Shutdown and
reboot the system.
Note: the “Backup” button will save a copy of the card’s current BIOS to the
directory of your choice.
For other operating systems:
In order to update the BIOS, the system must be booted into DOS mode, using a
DOS-boot diskette or CD image.
1. Copy the load.exe and the bios image file to the bootable floppy diskette (you
may need to use a different floppy depending upon how much space is available
on the boot diskette - this can vary).
5. Open the “BIOS” directory, and double click the “hptflash.exe” icon. This will
start the BIOS flash utility (RR2640X4 example below):