HighPoint RAID Management and Device Driver CD
3 - HighPoint RAID Management Utilities (HRM)
To install the Web RAID Management Utility for Windows Operating Systems:
Click on “Install RAID Management Software”.
Select the desired software from the drop down menu, and click on the “OK” button.
To install the Web RAID Management Utility for Linux Operating
Red Hat Enterprise/CentOS, Fedora Core, Open SuSE
Linux operating systems that support .rpm packages, allow you to double-click the
HighPoint Web RAID Management .rpm file to start the installation process.
Copy the Web RAID Management package from the RR264x Software CD, to the
desktop of the Linux operating system. The .rpm file is located in HighPoint
RAID Management Software – RR2xxx - Linux – WebGui-Linux.tbz.
2. Extract the .tbz file to the desktop, and browse to the appropriate .rpm file (there
are 32 and 64-bit options).
3. Double click the .rpm file – this should open the operating’s systems software
installer. Enter the Administrative password when prompted and proceed with