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Art-Nr: 3003 Red backlights 4-axle up to 16 volt
For reassembling the wheels, use the tweezers again. The
model has to lie securely and backwards on the
locomotive repairing fixture. Put the axle on the spot where
it is usually held by the clamp, figure 3. Watch for the
correct polarity! Figure 6 and 7. Now use your tweezers to
bend open the clamp at the side away from the current
collector by pressure on the axle and push in the wheels,
figure 4. Finished – all done, figure 5.
For running your trains properly, the right polarity is very
important. Axles built in the wrong way cause short circuits
with high currents that can destroy the fine current
collector springs. An axle of a 4-axle wagon is built in
correctly if in one bogie both axles are built in the same
way. In this case you can see the uninsulated side of the
wheel, so the pure metal wheel, at the upper edge, figure 7.
In the other bogie the axles then have to be built in exactly
the opposite way. Remember this well, it is very important
for running your trains properly and avoiding major
The current collectors are our own design and patent
protected under German law. A compromise had to be
found between the elasticity of the metal and the contact
pressure of the spring. Of course a high contact pressure
guarantees a good current collection. This is no problem
with powered locomotives, the engine easily surmounts
this frictional resistance. With wagons pulled by a
locomotive things are a bit more difficult. Concerning our
current collector, we have given preference to the elasticity
of the metal, and so to a low contact pressure. The very
thin and flexible material has the ability to abut with a
strong bending, but with low pressure, evenly and securely
on the axle. This is why the spring is strongly bent
forward, see figure 8. It can happen that this bend
disappears in the course of time. So always check the
spring when cleaning the wheels and if necessary bend
the spring again as shown in figure 8. Don’t be afraid, the
material is suitable for this and due to the low contact
pressure the wagon, in spite of its light weight, won’t be
lifted by the spring.
High Tech Modellbahnen manufactures its products with
the greatest possible care. We issue a guarantee and
warranty according to legal regulation. Should you find any
new product you just bought defective, please contact your
local dealer.
If one of our products has been damaged or breaks,
please contact your local dealer as well. He often might be
able to save it, while own attemps to repair it might lead to
a total economic loss.
Now enjoy your new car with backlights.
High Tech Modellbahnen
97456 Hambach
figure 6
: Left bogie:
axles with the isolated sides
facing upwards
figure 7
: Right bogie:
axles with the uninsulated
side facing upwards.
Very important! Very important!
figure 8
: The correct position of the current collector
springs without the axle
figure 3:
The axle ready to be built in, lying on top of
the clamp
figure 4:
Pushing the axle into the clamp with the help
of some tweezers.
figure 5:
The axle has been pushed underneath the
clamp holding it in ist place.