Thank you for your purchase of a HIFIMAN product. We take great pride in
offering audio products that provide best-in-class performance and value.
Though it seems like only yesterday when I started HIFIMAN as a passionate
audiophile, we just finished our first decade in business and eagerly look
forward to an exciting future. The company has grown rapidly and the
HIFIMAN brand has become one of the most respected in the industry.
Even with our success, the one thing that has not changed is my passion for
music and creating products that help recreate that live experience. Now, I
am joined by many others in the company who share my passion and in
turn, we humbly share that with you.
Thank you again for your purchase. I hope you will find this guide useful in
learning about your product which will help you enjoy countless hours of
listening pleasure.
Happy listening,
Message from the Founder
Dr. Fang Bian,
Founder and CEO
Owner’s Guide