USER MANUAL - rev 10
Dehumidifiers for radiant systems
25 - 52
When the unit has to be dismantled, please follow the below directions:
- the refrigerant has to be recovered by qualified staff and sent to dedicated collection centers;
- the compressor oil has to be recovered and sent to the dedicated collection centers;
- the structure and the components, if cannot be used, has to be dismantled according to their category: this
is particularly true for copper and aluminum.
These directions mean to facilitate the collection, dismantling and recycling centers and reduce the
environmental impact.
If the unit, or part of it, has to be dismantled, the kittle components has to become harmless.
For the substitution of every components, please make reference to the current directions regarding the process for dismantling.
Remember that it is compulsory to register the charge and discharge of special waste and of the toxic-dangerous ones.
The collection of special waste has to be managed by qualified and dedicated Companies.
The dismantling of special waste should be lead according to the current regulations active in the user Country.
Before proceeding with the demolition, ask for the inspection of a dedicated agency and for a report by it.
Proceed with the demolition following the regulation of the user Country.
The disassembly and demolition operations have to be leaden by qualified staff.
The rule for the regulation [reg. CE 2037/00] of the usage of substances which damage the ozone and of gas responsible for the
greenhouse effect, establishes the prohibition of dispersion of them in ambient and the compulsory recover and delivery to the
resellers or to dedicated collection centers.
The refrigerant gas R134a, even if not dangerous for the ozone, is mentioned within the substances responsible of the greenhouse
effect, so it has to be treated as mentioned above.
Please, keep attention during the maintenance operations, in order to reduce as much as possible
the risk of gas leaks.