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NO ANALOG – ANALOG INPUT 4-20mA – ANALOG INPUT 0-10V – These are all the same
button in the top left of the screen. You can press the button to cycle through the different
ANALOG SIGNAL REPRESENTS – This will determine what the analog signal represents.
Either Plant Tons Per Hour or AC Flow Tons Per Hour. Press the button to cycle through the
two options.
HOW LONG OUT OF TOLERANCE – Set in seconds, this button will allow you to adjust the
number of seconds the pump can be out of tolerance before the “No Flow Output” is triggered.
The right hand side of this screen deals with the actual input of the analog signal. It displays
the present voltage, voltage (0-10V), or current(4-20mA), and the representation of the signal.
The linearization maximum can be adjusted to match up with what the plant displays as TPH
or AC TPH. "Multi point" button will let you into an advanced method of analog scaling.