The 360# diamond disc is the coarsest disc that
comes with this Slant Cabber. If you have less than
a millimeter to remove, we suggest skipping this
step and begin at step 2. The 360# disc is required
if you need to remove a large amount of material
from your work piece, or to remove glass left from
the punty. Install the 360# disc according to the
instructions on page 7. Remove material until you
obtain the general shape, size or depth of your
finished piece.
The 600# diamond disc will either create your
first intial shape, or if you started at step 1,
remove the deeper scratches left by the 360# disc
and attain the final shape. Install the 600# disc
according to the instructions on page 7. Remove
material until you have a look simliar to a surface
having been roughly sandblasted.
The 1,200# diamond disc will remove scratches
left behind from step 2. Install the 1,200# disc
according to the instructions on page 7. Proceed
to grind until you have a finely frosted surface. A
properly shaped surface is perfectly smooth and
satiny in appearance. Rinsed and dried, you should
not see any scales (aka dimples, facets, flats, etc,)
or scratches. Hold it up to a bright light and look
for deep lines. Scales are most easily observed by
watching the piece dry. Because the “scales” will
have deeper puddles of water, they will evaporate
more slowly. Wet your piece and watch for this
phenomenon. If you see any scratches or scales,
you may not have smoothed long enough. If after
additional smoothing you
360# diamond disc
600# diamond disc
1,200# diamond disc