H E Y E R P a s i t h e c
Rev. 0.2 Draft – 12/09
HEYER Pasithec, Operator’s manual
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HEYER Medical AG (“HEYER”) holds the copyright to this manual, which is not publicly published, and
reserves the right to maintain it as a secure document. Refer to this manual when operating,
maintaining and repairing products only. Releasing information contained within the manual is
Proprietary materials protected by copyright law are included in this manual. No section of it can be
reproduced, copied, or translated into other languages without prior written approval from HEYER.
All instructions in this manual are considered to be correct. HEYER is not legally responsible for
damages caused by incorrect installation or operation. HEYER does not supply privileges endowed by
patent law to any other parties. HEYER is not legally responsible for the consequences of breaking the
patent law or of a third party violation.
Refer to this manual before using the product. The manual includes: Operating procedures which must
be performed with caution; information on actions and situations that may result in damage to the
equipment, and actions and situations that may cause bodily harm. HEYER is not responsible for the
security, reliability, and/or function of the equipment in the event that damage or other irregular actions
occur. Repairs for these malfunctions are not covered by the warranty.
HEYER has the rights to replace any content in this manual without notice.
Manufacturer Responsibility
HEYER is responsible for the security, reliability, and function of the equipment when the following
conditions are adhered to:
Installation, adjustments, and repairs must be performed by individuals authorized by HEYER;
Necessary electrical equipment and the working environment must be in accordance with national
and professional standards and the requirements listed in this manual;
Equipment must be used as stated in the operating instructions.
This equipment is not for family use.
Malfunctioning equipment may cause damage and/or bodily injury if repair
request are not submitted in a timely manner by the company or organization
using the equipment.
The paid theoretical framework diagram, calibrating method, and other instructions will be supplied to
the customer upon request. With the assistance of qualified technicians and when stipulated by
HEYER, specific equipment parts can be repaired by the customer.
Security, Reliability and Operating Conditions
HEYER is not responsible for the security, reliability and operating conditions of this product when:
The assemblies are disassembled, extended, or readjusted
The product is not operated correctly in accordance with the manual instructions; the power
supply that is used is incorrect, and/or the product is operated in an environment other than
optimal conditions per this manual.