Airframe Assembly and Maintenance:
Refer to the latest manufacturer’s assembly and IPC publications for assembly and parts
replacements. Unless otherwise specified, use industry standard technique for the installation
of hardware, wiring, soldering, etc. and where appropriate, applicable sections of AC 43.13
1B/2B should be consulted.
In addition, assembly videos and instruction may be found on the manufacturer’s website at:
Installation, calibration, preflight, basic flying and flight testing of the aircraft flight control
system is described in the DJI A2 Flight Control System User Manual. There are no integrated
circuit boards in the HexaCrafter airframe. Motor and ESC wiring is accomplished by
HexaCrafter, however as a rule all ESC to motor connections should be done using solder
splice technique or bullet connectors capable of 100a load. ESC to power distribution board
wiring is accomplished by solder technique. Hookup wiring for all power connections is
provided by motor and ESC manufacturers, however in the event any splicing is required be
sure to use an equal or greater capacity wire than original. Current capabilities and voltage
drop calculations may be referenced in AC 43.13 and elsewhere.
Wiring diagrams may be obtained from HexaCrafter however industry standard hookup
practice is employed.
Assembly Cautions (when not otherwise specified in latest version of manufacturer’s assembly
1. Use a bracket to mount the GPS module on the center frame to avoid interference
with the power board.
2. Ensure the IMU is mounted with the arrow pointing toward the nose of the aircraft.
3. If using a receiver, attach it under the bottom board of the center frame with the
antenna facing downwards and away from obstructions to avoid signal loss.
4. Ensure that all soldered ESC and power board connections are secure.
Unpacking and before flight
1. If booms are in travel position, place them in the flight position and secure with
provided hardware. Motor alignment (arm twist) should not be affected but may be
checked using a digital inclinometer or bubble protractor (twist should not exceed
2. Assemble and secure camera gimbal to gimbal rails using provided hardware.
3. Mount flight batteries on airframe top plate using Velcro straps and ensure they are