3. Group 3 of 2 D2600 disk enclosures
4. Group 4 of 2 D2600 disk enclosures
5. Connection from P822 controller to port 2 of I/O module A on the top disk enclosure in Group 1
6. P822 controller
7. Connection from P822 controller to port 2 of I/O module A on the top disk enclosure in Group 4
8. Connection from P822 controller to port 2 of I/O module A on the top disk enclosure in Group 3
9. Connection from P822 controller to port 2 of I/O module A on the top disk enclosure in Group 2
Dual domain cabling diagrams with D6000 Disk
The following diagram shows StoreEasy 1460 system in dual domain configurations with D6000 Disk
Enclosures. In this configuration, the worst case scenario (besides a controller failure) is losing ½ of the
D6000 if there is an I/O module failure.
Dual domain cabling diagrams with D6000 Disk Enclosures