Heating value in wood
You have to use about 2.4 kg normal
wood to replace one litre of heating
oil. All woods have almost the same
heating value per kg, which is about
5.27 kW/hour for absolute dry wood.
Wood with a moistness of 18% has a
efficiency of about 4.18 kW/hour per
kg, and one litre heating oil contains
about 10 kW/hour.
At combustion 1000 litres of heating
oil forms 3.171 tons CO
. As wood
is a CO
neutral heat/ energy source,
you save the environment about 1.3
kg CO
every time you have used 1 kg
normal wood.
Chimney fires
In the event of a chimney fire – which
often results from incorrect operation
or protracted firing with moist wood
– close the door and shut off the se-
condary/start-up air supply to smother
the fire. Call the fire department.
Airflow regulation
Use the handle at the front under the
door to adjust combustion airflow.
Combustion air flow is fully open when
the handle is furthest to the right (fig.
1). To reduce combustion air flow,
gradually slide the handle to the left
(fig 2.).
Lighting the stove
To light the stove, use firelighters,
paraffin firelighter bags or small
pieces of wood. Place over the grate.
Place larger logs over the fire-lighting
material, at right angles to the door.
Turn handle to top position for max.
Combustion- airflow. The stove door
should be slightly ajar (about 1 cm).
When the wood is well lit and the
chimney is hot (after about 10 mi-
nutes), close the stove door. When
lighting the stove from cold, we re-
commend that the combustion airflow
is at maximum until the first stack of
wood has burned out so that the stove
and chimney are heated through.
Adding fuel
A fresh supply of fuel should nor-
mally be added while there is still a
good layer of hot embers. Spread
the embers over the base grate,
most towards the front of the stove.
Lay a single layer of wood fuel cor-
responding to about 1.5 kg over the
embers, at right angles to the stove
door. Turn handle into top position
(max. Combustion- airflow). Keep
door ajar if necessary. (The door
should not be left open but fuel will
ignite more quickly while the door is
ajar.) The wood should ignite within a
very short time (usually 1-3 minutes).
If the door is ajar, close it as soon as
the fuel is ignited. When the flames
spread across the fuel stack, adjust
the combustion airflow to the required
level. Nominal operation 5.5 kW cor-
responds to 70% combustion airflow.
When adding fuel, make sure that the
fuel is not too tightly packed, as this
will lead to poorer combustion and
fuel inefficiency.
Never fill firewood over the stove’s
max. fill line. See fig. 3.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2