HERO Splendor Pro CLASSIC Manual Download Page 1


We  at 

Hero  MotoCorp


  are  committed  to  demonstrate  excellence  in  our  environment 

performance on a continual basis, as an intrinsic element of our corporate philosophy. To 

achieve this we commit ourselves to continue product innovations to improve environment 

compatibility,  comply  with  all  applicable  legislation  including  environment  legislation  and 

strengthen the green supply chain. 

Your Authorised 

Hero  MotoCorp

 dealer will be glad to provide further information or 

assistance and is equipped to handle your future service needs.

Let us make this world a safer, healthier and more environment friendly place.

Your motorcycle is conforming to latest (Bharat stage-III norms) regulation for emission, 

safety & noise levels. We are also using non asbestos brake shoes/pads and engine gaskets 

which are environment friendly in nature.

Thank you for selecting a 

Hero MotoCorp


Splendor Pro



. We wish you many 

miles of continued riding pleasure in the years ahead.

This  booklet  is  your  guide  to  the  basic  operation  and  maintenance  of  your  new 

Hero MotoCorp


Splendor Pro



 Please take time to read it carefully. As with any 

fine machine, proper care and maintenance are essential for trouble-free operation and 

optimum performance.

Summary of Contents for Splendor Pro CLASSIC

Page 1: ...ndleyourfutureserviceneeds Letusmakethisworldasafer healthierandmoreenvironmentfriendlyplace Your motorcycle is conforming to latest Bharat stage III norms regulation for emission safety noise levels...



Page 4: ...BYZXYYYYY Engine No Location Stamped on the lower side of the left Crankcase Engine No XXXXERYZXYYYYY Model Splendor Pro CLASSIC VIN BB Engine ER Variants XXXXER Y Z X YYYYY Engine Description Year of...

Page 5: ...0 r min 0 82 kgf m 8 05 N m 5000 r min 50 0x49 5 mm 9 9 1 97 2 cc 0 6 0 7 mm 0 10 mm 0 10 mm 1400 100 r min Telescopic Hydraulic Shock Absorbers Swingarm with 5 step adjustable Hydraulic Shock Absorbe...

Page 6: ...6 PR Unidirectional Tyre Front Rear Electricals Spoke Wheel Spoke Wheel Front Wheel Rear Wheel nd 2 Alternator Starting System Headlamp High Low Tail Stop lamp Turn signal lamp Meter Illumination Neut...

Page 7: ...ys conduct simple pre ride inspection page23 Do s For stopping motorcycle use both brakes simultaneously keeping throttle in the close position To make yourself more visible wear bright reflectiveclot...

Page 8: ...on Such changes could seriously impair your motorcycle s handling stability and braking making it unsafe to ride Removing or modifying your lamps mufflers emission control system or other equipment ca...

Page 9: ...s can upset or deteriorate your motorcycle s running condition Genuine engine oil Hero 4T Plus SAE 10W 30 SL grade JASO MA2 engine oil recommended by Hero MotoCorp and make sure you change it every 60...

Page 10: ...11 Fuel gauge 13 Side stand indicator 17 Electric starter switch 16 Throttle grip 20 Leg guard 15 Front brake lever 18 Ignition switch with steering lock 12 High beam indicator 14 Turn signal indicat...

Page 11: ...tand Optional 10 Optional Hand hold loop with helmet lock stay 8 Left rear turn signal lamp 12 Side stand switch 13 Fuel valve 9 Tail stop lamp 11 Left side cover 14 Front turn signal lamp Accessories...

Page 12: ...y box 4 Rear brake pedal 9 Battery compartment inside 14 Exhaust muffler 8 Starter motor 11 Rearturnsignallamp 12 Licenceplatelamp 10 Seat 13 Rear shock absorber 1 4 6 8 10 14 MOTORCYCLE VIEWS RIGHT S...

Page 13: ...ption Sl No 3 Neutralindicator Lightglowswhenvehicleisinneutral 7 Turnsignalindicators Flasheswhenturnsignalswitchisoperated 6 Sidestandindicator Lightglowswhenthevehicleisparkedonthesidestand 2 Odome...

Page 14: ...k position 1 2 3 The engine can be started Turn signal lamp Horn Tail Stoplamp Fuelgauge Passlampwill befunctional Key cannot be removed Engine cannot be started and no electrical systemwillbefunction...

Page 15: ...r switchaftertheenginehasstarted IMPORTANT To switch OFF the turn signal lamp after completing the turn gently pushtheknobinside Shift the turn signal knob sideways for right leftindicationsandleaveit...

Page 16: ...LOCK position Afterlockingtakeoutthekey 1 1 Ignitionkey SIDESTANDINDICATOR For the safety of the customer a side stand indicator 1 isprovided When the vehicle is parked on side stand Ignition Switch O...

Page 17: ...in use OFF POSITION At ON position 2 fuel will flow from fuel tanktothecarburetor ON POSITION 1 OFF Position 2 ON Position 3 RESERVE Position NOTE Do not keep the fuel valve between ON and OFF positi...

Page 18: ...undercertainconditions Refillinawellventilated area with the engine stopped Do not smoke or allow flames or sparks in the area where the petrolisrefilledorwherepetrolisstored WARNING Manufacturedby Bh...

Page 19: ...vel dipstick with a new O ring Start the engine and allow it to idle for few minutes Stop the engine and let the engine oil settle down Rechecktheoillevel Make sure that oil level is at the UPPER leve...

Page 20: ...ally under inflated tyres wear unevenly adversely affect handling and are more likely to fail from being overheated Under inflated tyres can also cause wheel damage in rocky terrain Over inflated tyre...

Page 21: ...eckforleaks Front and rear brake Check operation Adjust free play if necessary page 42 to 44 Tyres Check condition and pressure page21to23 Clutch Check for smooth operation Adjustfreeplay page38to39 D...

Page 22: ...ever will assure a smoothpositivestart While the engine is idling press the clutch leveranddepressthegearshiftpedaltoshift st into1 low gear The sequence is repeated progressively to rd th shift3 and4...

Page 23: ...m hr 2 15 30km hr nd Donotshiftgearswithoutoperatingclutchand without closing the throttle otherwise this wouldleadtodamageofgears CAUTION BRAKING For normal braking close the throttle and gradually a...

Page 24: ...prevent the motorcycle from falling over parkitonafirmlevelground Toreducethepossibilityofafireorexplosion be careful when working around petrol or batteries Useonlynonflammablesolvent not petrol to c...

Page 25: ...d to damagetotheproductandisnotsafeaswell To start the engine in any gear position using the electric starter press the clutch lever and pushthestarterswitch NOTE Neverruntheengineinaclosedarea theexh...

Page 26: ...een Engine Oil Centrifugal Filter Electric Starter Chain Oil Circulation Brake Shoe Electric Starter R R C A O C C I A I A I A I A I A I A Drive Chain Battery Voltage I I I I I I I L I I L I I L I L C...

Page 27: ...leCOemissionalongwithidler min idleCOadjustment ifrequired Morefrequentcleaningmayberequiredwhenridingindustyareas Replaceengineoilonceinevery6000kms Topuponceinevery3000kms Replaceonceineverytwoyears...

Page 28: ...oilthoroughly 1 5 3 4 2 Remove centrifugal filter cover 7 clean centrifugal filter 8 with non flammable highflashpointsolvent kerosene Reinstall the centrifugal filter cover right crankcase cover kick...

Page 29: ...0 6 0 7 mm using a wire type feeler gauge If adjustment is necessary bend the side electrode carefully Make sure the plug washerisingoodconditions Tighten a new spark plug 1 2 turn with a box wrench t...

Page 30: ...m it O with the air nozzle 11 at an angle of 45 andmovingitalongthepaperpleats Pressthemountingclamp 8 toreleasethe air cleaner assembly from the housing and removetheaircleanerassembly 7 10 9 Start c...

Page 31: ...s the fine dust particles may go deep inside theelement CAUTION THROTTLE OPERATION Cable Inspection Check for smooth rotation of the throttle grip from thefully open to thefully closed position cable...

Page 32: ...ngine temperaturerises NOTE 4 3 2 1 1 Crankshaft hole cap 2 Timing hole cap 3 T mark 4 Indexmark Adjust by loosening the lock nut 7 and turning the adjusting screw until there is aslight dragonthefeel...

Page 33: ...ts the overall performancecharacteristicsofthevehicle Start the engine press the clutch lever and shift into gear Make sure the engine does notstall andthemotorcycledoesnotcreep Gradually release the...

Page 34: ...e chain is slack in one section and tight in another some links are kinked and binding Bindingcanbeeliminatedbyfrequentlubrication Rotate the wheel and check drive chain slack as the wheel rotates Dri...

Page 35: ...he ground by placing a block under the engineandshiftthetransmissiontoneutral Loosenthedrivechainlocknut 3 Adjustment 1 Rear axle nut 1 5 Indexmark 6 Scalegraduation 2 Sleevenut 3 Drivechainlocknut 4...

Page 36: ...ground by placing a block under the engineandshiftthetransmissiontoneutral If the drive chain slack is excessive when therearaxleismovedtothefarthestlimitof adjustment the drive chain is worn and mus...

Page 37: ...arts to take hole Free play 2 shouldbe20 30mm REAR BRAKE Raise the rear wheel off the ground by placingablockundertheengine 1 Rear brake pedal 2 Free play 20 30 mm A B A Decrease free play CW B Increa...

Page 38: ...terminal 3 ve terminal 4 Bolt 5 Batteryclamp 1 Battery 2 veterminal 3 veterminal 4 Bolt 5 Batteryclamp Itisnotnecessarytocheckthebatteryelectrolyte level or add distilled water as the battery is a Mai...

Page 39: ...flame can cause the battery to explode with enough force to seriously hurt you Wear protective clothing and a face shield or have skilled technician do the battery maintenance WARNING Pulloutthebatter...

Page 40: ...LAMPSWITCH Turntheignitionswitchtothe ON position 2 Adjustingnut B Retard 1 Stoplampswitch A Advance SIDESTAND Checkthesidestandforproperfunction Check the spring 1 for damage or loss of tension and t...

Page 41: ...sening the bolts 1 and moving the headlamp assembly up anddownforcorrectfocusadjustment Place the motorcycle upright on a level ground HEADLAMPADJUSTMENT Headlamp is pre set However in case of adjustm...

Page 42: ...etherearshockabsorber adjustment tool Pin Spanner 1 available in thetoolkit NOTE 5 Brake panel 6 Front brake adjusting nut 7 Axlenut 3 Frontbrakecable 4 Brakearm 1 Speedometercable 2 Tab FRONTWHEEL Re...

Page 43: ...arm 4 from the brake panel 5 by removing splitpin 6 andnut 7 3 7 2 4 6 5 1 1 Rear brake adjusting nut 2 Rear brake rod 3 Brake arm 4 Brake stopper arm 5 Brake panel 6 Split pin 7 Lock nut Remove the...

Page 44: ...litywash Donotusehighpressurewater orair Itcan damagecertainpartsofthemotorcycle NOTE This motorcycle is equipped with a catalytic converter inthemuffler Follow these guidelines to protect your motorc...

Page 45: ...p Check Ignition Switch OK OK OK Turn ignition switch ON OFF C No Spark At Spark Plug No Spark Consult Authorised Hero MotoCorp Workshop Check Spark Plug for Fouling Improper Electrode Gap Replace Spa...

Page 46: ...nsult Authorised Hero MotoCorp Workshop Check Fuse OK Inspect Battery OK OK Check Bulbs Fuse Wrong Wattage Replace Fuse Weak Fuse Feeble Horn Sound or No Light Replace Bulbs 4 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM OK Che...

Page 47: ...se signs as they help avoid accidents Their violation can be penalised undertheMotorVehicleAct Mandatory Stop Give way One way No horn No biycles No automobiles No hand craft No pedestrians No right t...

Page 48: ...ty Informatory Taxistand Parking both sides Park this side Light Refreshment Signs and Signals are language of the road Learn them respect them NEW DELHI ROHTAK NAJAFGARH NEW DELHI 40 ROHTAK 58 NAJAFG...

Page 49: ...ionjob Hero MotoCorp Ltd Hero MotoCorp hereinafter called warrants its Splendor Pro CLASSIC vehicles assembled manufactured in its Plants and sold through its channel partners to be free from any defe...

Page 50: ...vehicle 7 Fornormalphenomenalikenoisevibration oilseepageetc whichdonotaffecttheperformanceofthe vehicle 11 Ifanydefectcropsorrepairsneededasaresultof meetingtosomeaccident CLASSIC SplendorPro vehicle...

Page 51: ...ERIOD Terms and condition of warranty Thewarrantycommencesfromthedateofdeliverytotheoriginalpurchaseofthevehicle 2 Intheeventofanycomplaintthebatteryistobereturnedcompletewithelectrolytetonearestbatte...

Page 52: ...toavailtheemission warranty h ItismandatorytoobtainaPUCcertificatefromtheAuthorisedPUCcenter Incaseofnon compliancewiththeemissionstandardsplease contact the authorised workshop immediately alongwith...

Page 53: ...ssures long life CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ON USING NON GENUINE PARTS Clutch Plate Leads to leakage and smoky exhaust Higher emission level Improper sealing Material used is inferior Poor acceleration Poo...

Page 54: ...fuel efficiency Poor engine performance Frequent stalling of engine Higher emission level Poor engine performance Affects fuel efficiency Poor braking efficiency Rider safety an issue Discs Drumwearou...

Page 55: ...2623774 2623775 E mail chandigarh heromotocorp com HeroMotoCorpLtd S C O 367 368 FirstFloor Sector 34A Chandigarh 160022 India HeroMotoCorpLtd KapoorTowers PlotNo 284 15 B RajpurRoad Dehradun 248001 I...

Page 56: ...H 5 Vijayawada 520008 AndhraPradesh India Tel 91 866 2546859 2546860 E mail vijayawada heromotocorp com HeroMotoCorpLtd 3 6 289 3rdFloor KareemManzil Hyderguda Hyderabad 500029 India Tel 91 40 2322373...
