KD-MSCAT8X8 Operating Instructions
Page 8
rS-232 Protocol and Commands
The KD-MSCAT8X8 HDTV Switcher can also be remotely controlled via its RS-232 port
by systems such as Crestron, AMX, ELAN, Control4 and others, utilizing industry standard
commands PROTOCOL:
57600 Baud rate
8 data bits
1 Stop bit
No parity
For the base KD-MSCAT8X8 HDTV Matrix RS-232 Control Switcher, you must supply
your own RS-232 cable and insert carefully in the back of the unit.
For the Hercules Expansions, your units come pre-configured from the factory with
their own RS-232 cable for you to use to connect to your PC or Control System.
RS-232 Connector type: DB-9 Female
Pin 2 = Tx, Pin 3 = Rx, Pin 5 = Gnd, Pin 4 = Pin 6, Pin 8 = Pin 7
Note: the pinout is with respect to the switcher, not the external controller.
The commands list for the KD-MSCAT8X8 HDTV Switcher is as follows:
Minimum timing interval between successive RS-232 commands is 0.2 sec.
Exception is input switching commands. For input switching commands the minimum timing
interval between successive RS-232 commands is determined by the Fade-to-Black period set
via RS-232. The minimum period here is the greater of the two: 0.2 sec or Fade-to-Black interval.
Please see Fade-to-Back Interval Set for more information
1. I/O Switching Set: ‘SPOxxSIyy’
xx= output select [1 - 40]
yy = input select [1 - 40]
The expected system response format is:
<status> output xx set to input yy
Example: To select input 12 for output 23, issue the following RS-232 sequence: SPO23SI12
2. Video Mute/unmute Set: ‘SPOxxVME’/’SPOxxVMD’
xx= output select [1 - 40]
The expected system response format is:
<status> video output xx muted (unmuted)
Example: To mute Video output 11, issue the following RS-232 sequence: SPO11VME
To unmute Video output 11, issue the following RS-232 sequence: SPO11VMD
3. Audio Mute/unmute Set: ‘SPOyyAME’, ‘SPIyyAMD’
yy= output select [1 - 40]
The expected system response format is:
<status> audio input yy muted (unmuted)
Example: To mute Audio input 3, issue the following RS-232 sequence: SPI3AME
To unmute Audio input 3, issue the following RS-232 sequence: SPI3AMD