1) Place your fiberglass 6719 pool on your prepared
location. Set pump in the pool and insert the pump power
cord down into the standpipe, pulling it out to the side under
the pool.
2) Pull open the slit in the 19-037 stopper and install it
around the pump power cord a few inches above the
standpipe which was preinstalled in the pool – then push
the stopper tightly into the standpipe. (This stopper
has two corks in its holes. They are to be removed
if you install lights in the fountain – then you can
pass the light power cords down through these holes.)
3) Thread the ¾”MPT x 1” adapter into the pump.
Attach the shortest of the 1”ID black corrugated tubes
to this adapter and secure with a worm-drive
4) Push one of the opposing legs of
the tee into the open end of the short tube. Then attach
the other two 1”ID black corrugated tubes to the other
legs of the tee, securing all connections with worm-
drive clamps. (It is important that you know which
of the longer tubes is attached to the straight,
vertical legs of the tube. You may want to
mark the top if it to help correctly attach
it in the next step.
5) Place the 7598 Base over the
pump and standpipe, making sure
to pull the tubing up through base
as you set it down on the fiberglass
pool. You may want to measure from the base
to the pool walls from different angles to make
sure the base is centered.
6) Thread two 1”MPT x 1”Barb adapters into the
underside of the 6597 bowl. With plenty of help,
lift the 6597 bowl, hold it over the 7598 base and
connect the tubes to the barbs under
the bowl. The straight-
connection tube should
connect to the off-centered
adapter and the other
Make sure to place your fountain on a firm
area which will not settle. Note: Always
follow local electrical codes and use a
110V GFCI protected outlet.