RA 58-P with CAN-Bus (Layer 2)
16 of 32
Item No. 2 542 052; Release 3140799hu
4.9 Type of Encoder
Encoders come in single-turn and multiturn versions. The single-turn models are specified by
the number of increments per revolution. This data is described by the parameter "type". This
parameter is pre-set in the factory prior to delivery of the encoder and should not be
modified later.
Since a later change of this parameter cannot be recommended, the value is not even
influenced by a "Reset Parameter" command.
The telegram has the following format:
Prefixed identifier: Identifier for "Reception of Parameters/Commands"
Byte 0
Byte 1
Byte 2
Byte 3
Byte 4
Byte 5
no. of bits single-turn
Byte no. 0 contains the subindex "28" for the transfer of the encoder type.
Byte 1 contains the number of bits in the single-turn range of the encoder. The value is
required by the encoder so that it can form its actual position correctly.
The value in byte 2 indicates whether the encoder is single-turn or multiturn:
SM = 0: single-turn
SM = 1: multiturn