2. The operation and use of the Helo DSA
2.1 Operation of the door switch adapter
The purpose of the door switch adapter is to monitor that nobody enters the sauna room during the preset time of the
heater. By monitoring the sauna room door the door switch adapter can be sure that no one has accidentally left the
door open or possibly something flammable in the vicinity of the heater.
If the sauna room door is opened when the door switch adapter is activated, the DSA will prevent the heater from start-
ing until the door is closed and the alarm is acknowledged by pressing the SET-button(1).
The door switch adapter prevents the heater from starting by short-circuiting the sensor thus fooling the control panel to
belive that the sauna room is extremely hot. As long as the control panel sees a high temperature in the sauna room, it
will not turn the heater on.
Because the way the door switch adapter operates the control panels that have a temperature readout in the display
will show an extremely high temperature in the sauna room when the alarm has been activated. This even though the
sauna room actually is cold.
2.2 The operational modes of the Helo DSA
The door switch adapter has three main operational modes. They are:
1. Idlemode
The basic mode of the unit.
The heater can’t be started and the sauna room door is not monitored
Supervisory mode is activated by pressing the SET-button(1)
The unit returns to the idle mode after the sauna room has cooled down
2. Supervisorymode
Removes the sensor short-circuit and enables starting of the heater
Must be activated every time the sauna heater is started
Monitors the sauna room door and disables the sauna heater if door is opened during preset time
Alerts the user of a door opening by blinking the DOOR-led(4) red twice every second
Alarm is acknowledged by pressing the SET-button(1) until the DOOR-led starts blinking green (sauna room
door must be closed before the button press)
If the alarm is not acknowledged within one minute, the unit cancels the supervisory mode and returns to idle
3. Monitoringmode
The unit switches automatically from supervisory mode to monitoring mode as soon as it detects a rise in the
sauna room temperature
In this mode the sauna room door can be opened freely without disturbing the heating
During the monitoring mode the unit either
Learns the time it takes to heat up the sauna room if the 5 self-learning procedures are not completed yet
Compares the heating time to the previously calculated average
The sauna room door triggers an alarm if the door is left open for more than 4 minutes
The user is alerted of the open door by blinking the DOOR-led(4) twice every second.
The alarm is acknowledged simply by closing the sauna room door
The unit returns automatically to idle mode when the sauna room cools down or if the user presses the SET-
Installation and User Manual
Helo DSA