Quick Start Guide WALL IE
6.2. Setting up “Basic NAT” rules
In order that the entry of “Basic NAT” rules is possible, WALL IE must be in the operating mode “NAT”.
Then select the “NAT” menu and the sub-menu “Basic NAT”. Enter the first rule and save it with the button.
6.1. Adjustment of the IP addresses in the NAT operating mode
Click on the “Network” menu and select the sub-menu “Interface”. The IP addresses
of the WALL IE in the WAN and in the LAN (“WAN IP”/”LAN IP”), as well as the affili-
ated subnet masks (“WAN netmask”/LAN netmask”) can be defined here.
A DNS server and a default gateway can also be indicated.
This is necessary when devices from the LAN should reach the Internet via the
WALL IE. If these are not indicated, then communication of devices in the LAN with
the Internet is prevented.
Optionally, the WAN-IP settings, the DNS server, and the standard gateway can also
be acquired per DHCP.
The entry is saved with the “Submit” button and the IP settings are then activated
When you change the LAN IP address, you may need to reopen the website of the
WALL IE in the browser under the new IP address and log in again.