Mixed Gas Sensor
for easyControls
Operating Instructions
3. Use of analogue outputs
Connection of mixed gas sensor
to a ventilation unit (KWL unit, fan etc.), which is
equipped with an analogue input (0-10 V). Note polarity!
Please note:
VOC 450-2000 ppm; 1.7-10 V max. 20 mA
The mixed gas sensor
reveals the air quality depending on the mixed gas concen-
tration as a CO2 equivalent. Clean air contains 78 % nitrogen, 21 % oxygen and 1 % argon.
There are also proportions of mixed gases (VOC = Volatile Organic Compounds) in indoor
spaces. Mixed gases have a big impact on well-being. The reason for the emergence of
mixed gases include the vapours from people or chemical substances (e.g. paints, solvents,
adhesives) or the preparation of food.
It takes around 15 minutes until the control signal from the KWL-VOC can be qualitatively
evaluated due to the required initialisation phase. During this phase, the mixed gas sensor
should be exposed to fresh air, since this value is used as a reference. If the supply voltage
is briefly interrupted, the mixed gas sensor requires an initialisation period of 15 minutes.
The mixed gas sensor should be provided with fresh air at least once a day, since it regularly
calibrates itself. If there is cleaner air than the calibrated VOC value (baseline 1.7 V output
signal), the baseline will be adjusted downwards. This is the reference for the 450 ppm CO2