Congratulations, with your new Hegel
HD30, our best D/A Converter. All Hegel
products are based on a simple philoso-
phy: Add as little as possible. Keep the
music signal as close to the original as
possible. We always chase lower distortion
and lower noise. The music is reproduced
as close to the original as possible and is
limited only by the quality of the recording.
Our aim is to give you the best possible
music experience. Our minimalistic Scan-
dinavian design is styled to fit in with any
interior. The products shall be easy to op-
erate and shall be manufactured according
to the best quality principles.
“After years of relentless demand for a
Hegel full-sized DAC, we finally embarked
on designing the HD30. It evolved into the
most ambitious design project in HEGEL’s
25-year history. HD30 incorporates many
ground-breaking technologies, resulting
in unparalleled sonic performance. The
HD30 features outstanding connectivity,
allowing one to connect to virtually any
digital source/device with easy control. The
HD30 is, without a doubt, HEGEL’s most
advanced product to date. In my humble
opinion, it’s the finest product ever created
by HEGEL.”
Bent Holter
Founder Hegel Music System