Hegel products should only be opened
or serviced by certified technicians. The
devices contain electronic components
that may cause severe electric shock. Work
performed on Hegel products by unquali-
fied personnel may cause serious damage
or personal injury.
Opening of the product by non-authorized
personnel will void the warranty.
The products must not be exposed to rain
or moisture.
All Hegel products come with a 2-year
warranty against defective materials and
In case you would need any assistance with
your Hegel product please find your nearest
dealer or distributor by looking at the Hegel
web site www.hegel.com. If you experience
any problems locating your dealer or
distributor please contact [email protected]
For more information about the H95,
please visit www.hegel.com
For support with the H95,
please visit support.hegel.com
The Spotify Software is subject to third party licenses
found here: www.spotify.com/connect/third-party-
AirPlay works with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, or Mac
and PC with iTunes.
Use of the Works with Apple badge means that an acces-
sory has been designed to
work specifically with the technology identified in the
badge and has been certified
by the developer to meet Apple performance standards.
Apple, iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries. The trademark
“iPhone” is used in Japan with a license from
Aiphone K.K.
Additional Information