SQ-Elite-MV & SQ-Elite-EXT Installation Manual
MoV sensor fault
Valve Close, Valve Open
Default: Valve Close
Hold Button:
MENU/<System Startup>/..../MOV Sensor Fault
The MOV Sensor Fault will determine the operating status of the motorized valve when a
sensor reads Short or Open.
Valve Close
Valve Open
reset Mode
• When Valve Close is selected, the SQ-Elite-MV will energize the MOV Close relay when the MOV System reads Short or Open.
However, when the Outdoor reads Short or Open, the SQ-Elite-MV will change the Target to the MOV Minimum Target.
• When Valve Open is selected, the SQ-Elite-MV will energize the MOV Open relay when the MOV System reads Short or Open
and the outdoor temperature is below MOV Outdoor Cutoff. However, if the outdoor temperature is above the Outdoor Cutoff, the
Outdoor Cutoff will take over turn off the stages. When the outdoor reads Short or Open, the SQ-Elite-MV will change the Target
to the MOV Maximum Target.
set poInt Mode
• If Valve Close is selected, the SQ-Elite-MV will energize the MOV Close relay when the SEQ System sensor reads Short or Open.
• If Valve Open is selected, the SQ-Elite-MV will energize the MOV Open relay when the MOV System sensor reads Short or Open.
• The Outdoor Sensor Short or Open status will not affect the control operation in Set Point mode.
settIng tHe control to factory defaults
To Reset the SQ-Elite-MV control to its original factory defaults, power down the control.
Hold down the two right most buttons while powering the control back up until the Total Clear
Started screen appears. The Display will direct you to the Startup menu after the defaults are
loaded to program the control.
NOTE: When resetting the control to original factory defaults all control settings will be over
written and will no longer exist.
Do not turn off power to control until all Startup settings have been made.
Otherwise, the next power-up will be set to many Startup factory settings that
might not fit your application.
Release buttons
Please Wait