Multi-MOD Platinum with Space and Scheduling Installation and Operation Manual
HT# 059299-00
No Heat
Outdoor Cutoff
- If the Outdoor sensor reading was higher that the Outdoor Cutoff temperature, the
control might not bring any stage on . See "Outdoor Cutoff Temperature" on page 32 .
- Even though the system relay may be energized, the control will not energize any stages unless
the Prove is shorted . See "Display Messages" on page 29 .
- The Multi-MOD Platinum modulates the stages to off when the Shutdown terminals are
shorted . See "Display Messages" on page 24 . Also, see "Shutdown Wiring" on page 18 .
Sensor Fault
- When the Sensor Fault is set to Shutdown, a System sensor fault will de-activate all
stages outputs . See "Sensor Fault" on page 29 .
Too Much Heat
Check if the control has any of the following:
• Reset Ratio and Offset
- If excessive heat occurs only under certain weather conditions, adjust the
Reset Ratio . See "Reset Ratio" on page 33 . If excessive heat occurs year round, reduce the Offset . See
"Target Offset" on page 33 .
• Boiler Mode Settings
- The Multi-MOD Platinum only modulate boilers their Mode is set to Auto or
Standby . Check if any boiler stage is set to Manual or On . See "Mode" on page 39 .
• Control Settings
- The Last-Stage-Hold allows only the lead boiler to stay on longer . If the setting is too
high, the system can over heat . Reduce the Last-Stage-Hold setting . See "Last-Stage-Hold" on page 37 .
• DHW Call
- On a DHW call, the system target will change to the DHW Set Point . If the DHW Call lasted
for along time, the building may overheat if DHW No Priority or DHW Using System were selected . See
"Prove/DHW Mode" on page 28 and "DHW Set Point" on page 29 .
Too little Heat
Check if the control has any of the following:
• Reset Ratio and Offset
- If reduced heat occurs only under certain weather conditions, adjust the Reset
Ratio . See "Reset Ratio" on page 33 . If reduced heat occurs year round, increase the Offset . See "Target
Offset" on page 33 .
• Setback
- If reduced heat occurs only during specific hours, check the Setback value and the source of
the setback signal . Either reduce the Setback setting or change the Schedule . See "Setback" on page 35 .
Also, see "Schedules" on page 42 .
Internet Operation
Values on the Web do not Change
Internet connection to the control
- First check the ICMS Live Session "Last Values Update" Date
and Time . It must be current . If not, the control internet connection is not functioning . If using a router,
check for Internet service using a computer . If using a cable modem, power down both the control and
the modem . Then power the control back on and wait for one minutes before power the modem back on .
Wait for the message "ACK RECIEVED" to display .