This appliance is designed efficiently manage a domestic hot water system in conjunction with the cylinder element.
If your system includes a domestic hot water cylinder you should have set
SF05, SF13
as prescribed on the other side of this sheet.
Setting up hot water management.
In the user settings ST09 is the set temperature for the Domestic hot water cylinder the maximum set point is 65 degrees.
In operation the heat pump will heat the cylinder to 50 degrees only. - If ST09 is set higher than 50 the Cylinder element
will be active once the cylinder reaches 50 degrees - until the higher set temperature is reached. We reccomend you
ST09 to 58 Deg
now set the daily time periods for the element
TR10 HW time zone
to do so follow the instructions on page
18 of the manual
We reccomend setting two 1.5 hr periods, one between 6.30 and 8 Am and 7 Pm and 8.30 Pm as a default, though the user
may wish to amend this to sut their usage patterns
In this state, within the two set time periods, the element will also continue to trip in to maintain the higher temp if the
cylinder temperature drops by three degrees below the higher set point. - The HP will only kick in if the cylinder
temperature drops below 50 degrees.
Legionella bacteria protection
In Service Parameters.
ST 26
(Element engaged every Hrs)
160 Hrs
(or to suit the current liegionella requirements)
ST 27
(Element cut off temperature)
61 Degrees
the cylinder must exceed 60 degrees for legionella every ...)
The hot water element will now be engaged on a managed basis engaging every 160hrs (or as set) to raise the
cylinder temperature providing Legionella bacteria protection.
Completing Domestic hot water management
Management of reticulated domestic hot water
If your system has a reticulated circuit from the cylinder feeding remote tempered legs then you can connect and
manage a reticulation pump to wiring terminals 1 and 2 on the HP.
The pump will then run for
ST34 (default
3 minutes)
This parameter can be adjusted in user settings
15 minutes
This parameter can be adjusted in user settings.
The pump will be inactive if DHW is turned off at the HP
Our Heat IQ
HIQ 076
pump is a low energy reticulation pump designed to provide low speed reticulation that will
not disrupt the stratification in your cylinder. All our cylinders include a reticulation return port.
Please ensure you complete and return the Commissioning/warranty registration sheet
Without it the warranty on this appliance is limited
V2 2021
Thank you for choosing this Heat IQ Heat Pump