Is this HP providing DHW via a cylinder as well as a heating output
Yes hot water is included
No the system is heating only
Access codes
for service
level settings is
Details to enter passcode
can be found in the
manual Pg23
Exit the service parameters and return to the main screen
set a demand for heat from at least one of the attached heating system controls
After a couple of minutes the actuators on the manifold for the respective control will be open,
After a further 2 or 3 minute time delay, the under floor wiring centre should call for the HP to run.
The HP Circulation pump will run and the icon will appear, followed by the fan and then the compressor .
service parameters -
"Yes ".
service parameters -
"No ".
At this point the HP may go into alarm (AL17) Inadequate flow.
A common issue caused by air in the system being trapped in the
HPs plate heat exchanger. In 'Manufacturer' settings you can increase the Pump minimum Speed' (EV06 - Default 30%) by
increments of 5% until adequate flow is achieved and no flow alarm is triggered. -
Do not raise this more than you have to...
If you have to raise more than 5% you must return to drop it back again after a period of 2/3 days running
Now set User setting
ST02 (Heating Output)
to between
40-45 °
Heating output - or as prescribed in the
design provided for the under floor system attached .
After around 15 minutes running the HP should ideally have differential in temperature between 4 and 6 degrees
between the flow and return temperature readings.
Now make sure all the system zone controls are operating and opening the correct floor loops
With all the loops
calling, set the flow rates to the given values provided in the system design
Where the design gave a flow rate
under 0.75 L raise it to 0.75 as a minimum to prevent blockages the flow meter apertures.
The system should be left operational for 1 or 2 days with an Auto fill valve set at 1.2 bar left open in the filling loop to
replenish any latent air removed by the systems auto air relief valves, after which the installer should disconnect the
auto filling device
For installs in potentially Sub Zero environments it is the installers responsibility to determine if Glycol should be added for
frost protection . We do not make any allowance for this even in an instance where we provided system design . Likewise any
requirements for environmental protection of HPs in coastal or sulphurous environments is the responsibility of the installing
Refer to the manual for more information
It is Important to note, this Quick start guide is to assist you. It may not cover every requirement of a given installation.
As the Installer it is your obligation to read the installation manual & understand the appliance principals of operation.
We accept no liability under warranty where failure is the result of incorrect installation or incorrect commissioning .
Please ensure you complete and return the Commissioning/warranty registration sheet
Without it the warranty on this appliance is limited
IQ AS10/15V
Inerter HPs
Quick Start Guide
Read and use this document in conjunction with the full appliance manual
Before you start - Ensure the HP is secured to its base & level on both planes. The heating system has been flushed and that
the correct inhibitor has been added. System pressure is set at 1.2 to 1.4 bar. and all electrical connections are correct.
Now you can proceed to commission following the instructions below
This HP has a Compressor oil pre heater, Power must be on with no call for heat
or hot water for a
minimum Two hours
before starting this appliance
See over for further information re setting up DHW