Heat & Glo • PIER-HVB-IPI, ST-HVB-IPI • 2006-901 Rev. C • 12/07
Placing the Ember Material
Ember material is shipped with this gas fireplace. The bag
labeled Glowing Ember (050-721) is standard glowing em-
ber material.
To place the ember material:
Remove the wing nuts and glass clips or tension springs
around the glass door.
Remove the glass door from the unit.
Remove the grate and log set by removing the screws.
Place dime size pieces of ember material about 1/2 inch
apart near port holes in burner top. Do
press em-
bers into burner ports. Cover the top of the burner with a
single layer of ember material.
Save the remaining ember materials for use during fire-
place servicing. The bag of embers provided is sufficient
for 3 to 5 applications.
Replace the glass door and a front trim door on the unit.
Figure 42. Placement of the Ember Material
Optional Ember Light Kit (Emberkit-MS)
Ember Light Bulb Replacement
In the lower gas valve compartment you will find three ac-
cess panels for the three light bulbs (see Figure 43).
Figure 43.
Using a 5/16” nut driver remove the two bolts (see
Figure 44).
Figure 44.
Pull the access panel to expose the light bulb. Wearing
clean cotton gloves replace the bulb. Any skin oils which
get on a new bulb will greatly shorten the life of the bulb.
The bulb can be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol (see Figure 45).
Figure 45.