Products ,
The Sterling can use a wall-mounted thermostat
for operation. The thermostat controls the unit by
calling for heat"
and turning the unit on when the
room is cold, and turning the unit off once the room
has warmed sufficiently to satisfy the thermostat.
The Sterling thermostat is controlled by a 750
milli-volt DC two-wire circuit. Both the thermostat
and 40 feet of thermostat wire are included with the
Sterling as standard equipment.
Thermostat Placement
The thermostat should be placed in the same
room or living space as the Sterling, typically 5' (1.5-
m) off the floor and away from areas of draft, direct
sunlight or other influences which would cause the
temperature in the vicinity of the thermostat to be
unrepresentative of the room temperature in
general. Such influences might include strong
lighting, a heater vent from the central heating
system, a nearby drafty window, etc.
Placement of the thermostat on an inside wall
rather than an outside wall is generally preferable.
Do not place the thermostat directly behind or too
near the Sterling, otherwise every time the
thermostat calls for heat and the unit turns on, heat
from the unit will immediately satisfy the thermostat
and turn the unit off.
Remove facade under ash lip for
electrical and gas connections.
Thermostat Wiring
The thermostat should be connected to the
Sterling using 18-gauge insulated thermostat wire
supplied. The thermostat wire from the Sterling to
the thermostat can be surface mounted or routed
under the floor, through walls, etc.
Connect one of the two conductor thermostat
wires to the terminal on the gas valve marked
"TH".Connect the other to the yellow wire from the
on/off T-stat switch assembly. When making these
connections, position the thermostat wire so that it
extends towards the wall behind the Sterling, then
towards the thermostat. Check to ensure that the
connections are secure and permanent.
At the thermostat, the thermostat wire should be
connected to the two connection screws on the
thermostat base plate per the instructions received
with the thermostat. Take care not to over-tighten
the connection screws and not to damage the
internal parts of the thermostat. The thermostat
should be mounted level for proper operation and
accurate temperature control.