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---- Do not wipe or get disinfectant alcohol on parts other than the electrodes.
Do not move during measurement.
---- Movement, including talking, coughing, or sneezing, during measurement can
affect the quality of the measurement results.
Incorrect positioning of the device during measurement may cause the results to be
inaccurate, be sure to check the position before taking a measurement.
To ensure the device remains in good working order, keep the electrodes clean.
Disinfect the electrodes by wiping them with a soft cloth or cotton swab moistened
with disinfectant alcohol.
4.2 Measurement Methods:
There are three ways to record an ECG using this device; palm measurement, chest
measurement and cable measurement.
The ideal posture for any of the methods listed above is to be seated comfortably with
your back straight. You can also take a measurement while you are standing or while
lying down. Be sure to stay as still as possible until the measurement is complete.
4.2.1 Palm Measurement
Make sure to hold the right metal electrodes of the device with right index finger firmly,
and place the left metal electrodes against the center of the left palm. (Refer to Picture
Picture 4-1