We’ve done what we can to protect your Felix-8740 from moisture and earwax but
a little regular cleaning by you will go a long way towards trouble-free use. Without
regular cleaning, wax and moisture can build up and prevent your Felix-8740 from
working properly. We suggest cleaning your Felix-8740 in the morning before you
use it and storing it overnight in a DryAid Dehumidifier (call to order). It does not
take much dirt or wax to clog the super-thin tubing and the tiny openings. Many
customers find cleaning the tubing weekly is sufficient. For best results consider
purchasing the Cleaning Care Plan (pg. 14).
Cleaning your Felix-8740:
1. Wipe off the outside of the Felix-8740 hearing aid and eartip
with a soft cloth or hearing aid cleaning wipes (call to order).
2. Use the included cleaning brush and tube cleaning tool to gently
remove wax and dirt from the hearing aid sound openings.
How to clean your Felix-8740 slim-tubing:
from the Felix-8740 (see pg. 5).
There is no need to remove the eartip from the tubing.
2. Insert the cleaning tool into the triangular base at the
end of the slim-tubing.
3. Thread the cleaning tool all the way through the
slim-tubing and out of the end of the eartip.
4. Wipe off any debris on the end of the cleaning tool before
pulling it back through the eartip and slim-tubing.
Care and cleaning slim-tube style
Talking on the telephone
without the telephone setting
Purchase replacement
slim-tubing cleaning tools by
calling 1-800-221-2099.
You can use your Felix hearing aid while talking on the telephone.
Hold the phone close to your hearing aid. You may need to move
the phone around a bit until you find where the hearing aid best
receives the sound coming from the phone. If you experience
feedback (squeal), you may need to tilt the phone at a slight angle.
1-800-221-2099 • HearingHelp.com