Rest Assure Function
Before measurement, it is suggested that you sit quietly for 5 minutesbefore
measurement as measurements taken in a relaxed stateaccording to JNC7
report to have a greater accuracy.
HL858CBprovides users a helpful countdown function(REST ASSUREon/off
switch) for 5 minutesbefore the measurementthat helps users to get accurate
results.To turn this feature OFF, slide the switch on the back to the OFF
The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
Pressure. NIH Publication No.04-5230 August 2004
Triple-Check Function
The Triple-CheckFunction automatically takes and averages 3 readings in a
row, with 1 minute rest intervals in between each measurement. To
deactivate this feature and take only a single reading, slide the switch on the
back to the OFF position.