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2020 Gilkerson Drive
Bozeman, MT 59715
w w w . h e a d p h o n e . c o m
Portable Desktop Amp
headphone amplifier
Owner’s Manual
Congratulations on the arrival of your new Portable Desktop Amp.
The slender and curvaceous amp you now hold in your hands is the
most current result of a 15 year long quest to build the world’s finest
portable headphone amplifier. It’s equally comfortable in your big rig
at home or on the tray table in front of you at 30,000 feet. It will take
an analog or digital input from a $10,000 cd player, laptop, or iPod,
and drive your high quality headphones with authority and aplomb.
It’s a little slice of your big rig you can take with you anywhere you
roam; an Audiophile’s movable feast. And now it’s yours! Thank you,
we’re so happy to help you get it right between your ears.