Wolfpack Component Video Matrix Switch
invalid characters/values/command between the braces, they will be processed,
and the switch will echo the bad command and return an error
Within a command or response, there will be one or more fields, separated by
Group Commands
A group command is always wrapped in curly brackets:
Group commands are used if the user wants to see one response per command
mode inside the group brackets. So if there are two commands in one group
bracket, there will only be one response string.
Group commands are also used for memory edit function, this will be discussed
One-way Commands
One-way commands, (where there is no programming that depends on feedback)
can be sent to the matrix at any time, regardless of the state of the matrix (e.g. on
Standby mode).
Response to Commands
The serial port does not echo characters or ASCII codes sent, so the only
characters sent back are the response to commands. When a valid command is
received and executed, code indicating the status of the entire matrix is returned.
The response will be in curly brackets { }, like in a group command, and can be
used as a command back to the matrix or be used as an input to memory edit
Any command with invalid parameters or a syntax error will result in a response
Switching Protocol
Switching commands use this structure: