Prism Pro/Multi-function Touch Panel User Manual
HDL Automation Co., Ltd.
5 Floor Heating Setting
Select “Floor heating” label in the panel configuration page, as shown in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 Floor heating setting
The setting items are explained below:
Device information: to select the working mode and control mode of floor heating.
Working mode includes “Floor Heating/Floor Cooling/Auto” and control mode includes
“Slave Control” and “Fully control”.
Slave control: to control up to 6 objects via switching objects.
Fully control: fully control can set up to 4 floor heating channels and 4 floor cooling
Temperature sensor: when “Fully control” is selected, the actual working modes should
depend on the temperature.
Inner sensor: the panel refers to temperature data from internal sensor.
Read from bus: the panel refers to external temperature. If selecting “Receive