Viewing in 3D mode may cause disorientation for some viewers. DO NOT place your HDTV
near open stairwells, cables, balconies or other objects that may cause you to injure yourself.
HDfury 3D Glasses and Emitter – User Manual
3D Glasses
The 3Dfury glasses are very easy to operate there are 2 modes RF (Default) and IR. The glasses have 2
buttons: the mode key (Bottom Button) and the power key (Top Button). It also has a micro USB slot for
charging the internal battery.
Power 3D Glasses On/Off
To turn ON the 3D glasses in RF Mode press and hold the Top Button for 1 or 2 seconds and the led will
flash once. To turn the 3D glasses OFF press and hold the Top Button for 1 or 2 seconds and the led will
flash twice.
3D Glasses Delay
To adjust the delay quick press the Top Button (DO NOT HOLD) to cycle through 32 presets to pick the
preset with the least amount of ghosting and crosstalk.