A1847-1.1 de/en/fr
Environmental conditions
In the context of your application, please note that acids and all materials
which release (chlorine) ions will attack all grades of stainless steel and their
welding seams. This may result in corrosion which can lead to the failure of
the load cell. In such cases the operator must take appropriate safety measu-
Prohibition of own conversions and modifications
The load cells must not be modified from the design or safety engineering
point of view except with our express agreement. Any modification shall ex-
clude all liability on our part for any damage resulting therefrom.
Qualified personnel
These load cells are only to be installed by qualified personnel strictly in ac-
cordance with the specifications and with the safety rules and regulations
which follow. It is also essential to observe the appropriate legal and safety
regulations for the application concerned. The same applies to the use of ac-
Qualified personnel means persons entrusted with the installation, fitting,
commissioning and operation of the product who possess the appropriate
qualifications for their function.
Accident prevention
Although the specified maximum capacity in the destructive range is several
times the full scale value, the relevant accident prevention regulations from
the trade associations must be complied with. Take into consideration the
values specified in particular in chapter 4
limit loads,
max. longitudinal forces,
max. transverse forces.