4.4 Operation via analog
Press the ANALOG button in the upper left corner of the main menu or select SETTINGS -> ANALOG to go to
the analogue menu.
The analogue mode is divided into two modes:
If a voltage above 1V (0 - 10V) is present at the analog input (D)
of the base • prime, the machine is controlled via the analogue
input. Prerequisite is that neither DMX nor Ethernet are active.
This mode is for example XLR remote with input voltages bet-
ween 1 and 10V, which can be selected via the button DIRECT.
10V input voltage correspond to the full set pump value. 1V cor-
responds to 1% of the pump value.
If the base•prime is activated in latched mode, it must first be deactivated in latched mode.
Switching is possible, but the machine can not be deactivated.
In Latched mode, the machine mists with a previously set pump
value only when the button is held on the remote control.
With BACK you can return to the main menu without saving or to
SETTINGS with ANALOG SAVE is saved and back.