Piping System Layout
The piping system should be designed such that the discharge of the waterfall, spillway, or cascade is no more than (10) feet
above the surface of the water in the pool. Elevations higher than this will limit the amount of flow available from the
waterfall pump. The following list shows how the discharge elevation (above the surface of the water in the pool) affects the
flow available from the pump.
Less than 2 ft:
negligible (less than 5%) reduction in available flow
2 4 ft:
slight (5% 10%) reduction in available flow
4 10 ft:
10% 25% reduction in available flow
10 15 ft:
25% 50% reduction in available flow
Above 15 ft:
greater than 50% reduction in available flow; not recommended
The suction port of the waterfall pump must be located no more than (5) feet above the surface of the water in the pool.
Locating the suction port higher than this will prevent the pump from priming properly.
Hazardous Pressure.
Pumps, filters, and other equipment/ components of a
swimming pool filtration system operate under pressure. Incorrectly installed and/or improperly tested
filtration equipment and/or components may fail resulting in severe personal injury or death.
Teflon tape
to seal threaded connections on molded plastic components. All plastic fittings must be new or thoroughly
cleaned before use.
NOTE Do NOT use Plumber’s Pipe Dope as it may cause cracking of the plastic components.
When applying
Teflon tape
to plastic threads, wrap the entire threaded portion of the male fitting with one to two layers of
tape. Wind the tape clockwise as you face the open end of the fitting, beginning at the end of the fitting. The pump suction
and outlet ports have moldedin thread stops.
Do NOT attempt to force hose connector fitting past this stop.
It is only
necessary to tighten fittings enough to prevent leakage. Tighten fitting by hand and then use a tool to engage fitting an
additional 1 ½ turns. Use care when using Teflon tape as friction is reduced considerably;
do NOT overtighten fitting or
you may cause damage
. If leaks occur, remove connector, clean off old Teflon tape, rewrap with one to two additional
layers of Teflon tape, and reinstall connector.
Fittings restrict flow. For better efficiency, use the fewest possible fittings (but at least two suction outlets). Avoid fittings
that could cause an air trap. Pool and spa fittings MUST conform to the International Association of Plumbing and
Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) standards. Use a nonentrapping suction fitting in pool (multiple drains) or double suction
(skimmer and main drain).
Ground and bond motor before connecting to electrical power supply. Failure
to ground and bond pump motor can cause serious or fatal electrical shock hazard. Do NOT ground to
a gas supply line. To avoid dangerous or fatal electrical shock, turn OFF power to motor before
working on electrical connections. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) tripping indicates electrical
problem. If GFCI trips and won’t reset, consult electrician to inspect and repair electrical system.
Hazard match supply voltage to motor nameplate voltage.
Insure that the electrical supply
available agrees with the motor’s voltage, phase, and cycle, and that the wire size is adequate for the HP
(kW) rating and distance from the power source.
NOTE All electrical wiring MUST be performed by a licensed
electrician, and MUST conform to local codes and NEC regulations.
Use copper conductors only.
Motor Brake Horsepower
Motor Rated Horsepower
Motor Electric V/A
Wire Size / Breaker
HP (kW)
HP (kW)
0.65 (0.48)
0.50 (0.37)
208 230 / 115
4.0 – 3.6 / 7.2
Waterfall Pump Series _ _____
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