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EcoStar Variable Speed Pump
IS3400VSP Rev-B
5. Startup
5.1. Prior
If it is necessary to perform a water pressure test prior to initial use to ensure plumbing system is functioning
properly, then the following criteria should be maintained for this test:
1. Have a professional perform this test.
2. Ensure all Hayward pump and system components are removed from system prior to performing test.
– If circulation equipment must remain in the plumbing system during water pressure test, do
not apply more than 10 psi pressure to the system. Be sure water pressure has been released, using the filter
manual air relief valve, before removing pump strainer cover.
– All suction and discharge valves MUST be OPEN, as well as filter air relief valve (if available) on
filter, when starting the circulating pump system. Failure to do so could result in severe personal injury.
5.2. Starting/Priming the Pump
Fill strainer housing with water to suction pipe level. If water leakage occurs from anywhere on the pump or filter, DO
NOT start the pump. If no leakage occurs, stand at least 10 feet from pump and/or filter and proceed with starting
the pump.
– Return to filter to close filter manual air relief valve when a steady stream of water (not air or air
and water) is discharged from valve. Failure to do so could result in severe personal injury.
– NEVER OPERATE THE PUMP WITHOUT WATER. Water acts as a coolant and lubricant for the
mechanical shaft seal. NEVER run pump dry. Running pump dry may damage seals, causing leakage, flooding, and
voids warranty. Fill strainer housing with water before starting motor.
– Do NOT add chemicals to pool/spa system directly in front of pump suction. Adding
undiluted chemicals may damage pump and voids warranty.
– Before removing strainer cover:
1. STOP PUMP before proceeding.
2. CLOSE VALVES in suction and outlet pipes.
3. RELEASE ALL PRESSURE from pump and piping system using filter manual air relief valve. See filter owner’s
manual for more details.
4. If water source is higher than the pump, pump will prime itself when suction and outlet valves are opened. If
water source is lower than the pump, unscrew and remove strainer cover; fill strainer housing with water.
5. Clean and lubricate strainer cover O-ring with "Jack's 327" if necessary.
6. Replace strainer cover on strainer housing; turn clockwise to tighten cover.
NOTE - Tighten strainer cover lock ring by hand only (no wrenches).
Turn on power and wait for pump to prime, which can take up to fifteen (15) minutes. Priming time will depend on
vertical length of suction lift and horizontal length of suction pipe. If pump does NOT prime within 15 minutes, stop
motor and determine cause. Be sure all suction and discharge valves are open when pump is running. See
Troubleshooting Guide.