3. Press Record / OK button, an red R will be shown:
4. Press again to stop record.
Note: In Snow signal, the DVR won’t record; until the video is in.
6. When in External video interface, the monitor will record the external video.
7. Note: The video was buffer in to the SD card, when the wireless signal is
not stable, it will cause frame drop.
Note: How to format SD card please bar code check below. When format
the SD card,the little pilot will allocate the storage of the SD card. When you
check on computer, the SD card will show ”full”, that’s normal, KEEP CALM.
Bad SD Card:
When detected bad SD card, the Little Pilot will pop up a menu; Please power off
and then change a good SD card(Sandisk C10).
Video Buffer Playback
In FPV interface, press and hold - button for 2 seconds, the monitor switch to
DVR interface . You can use Record/OK button to playback the video . Press Menu
button to delete current file , Record/OK button to confirm.
Video buffer is only designed to track the lost drones.The video quality is not so