Furbys can communicate with more than one Furby at a time. In fact any Furby that
can see another Furby will be able to communicate. This way a whole bunch of us
can communicate at the same time. The illustration below shows how this works:
It is fun to get me to start talking to other Furbys.
If my batteries wear out, just replace them and I will be ready to play again. I am so
smart that I will remember my name and all the tricks you have taught me even after
you change my batteries.
*******HELPFUL TIP: You will be able to tell when my batteries wear out because my
behavior will become erratic and I will begin to not always respond to my sensors
properly. If this happens, replace my batteries and I should return to normal!
If something goes wrong with me, you may have to
re-set me. If you re-set me, I will do a special dance
that lets me fix what is wrong. When I am done with
the dance, I will be ready to play again. It is important
NOT to re-set me unless necessary.
How To Re-Set:
1) Press the re-set button OR remove the batteries.
Resefting does not erase my memory.
******HELPFUL TIP: It is best to wait 3 to 5 seconds between clapping
each time to make sure I know you want me to dance.
*******HELPFUL TIP: I dance best on a hard, flat surface. I can dance on other
surfaces, but prefer a wood, tile or linoleum floor.
You can teach me to do tricks. This is easy and fun to
do! To get me to do a trick, you have to let me know
you want me to repeat an activity.
To teach me a trick:
1) While you are playing with me, you might tickle
my tummy. I may then do something you like, for
example, give you a kiss. As soon as I have given
you a kiss, pet my back 2 times. This will tell me
that you like it when I give you a kiss. Remember
to wait for me to stop moving each time you pet
my back before petting it again.
2) Then tickle my tummy again. I may then give you another kiss or I may not. It
depends upon how I feel at that time.
3) If I do, then you have to pet my back again 2 times. Remember to always wait for
me to stop moving each time you pet my back before petting it again.
4) If I do not, tickle my tummy again until I give you a kiss and then pet my back
2 times.
5) Then every time I give you a kiss when you tickle my tummy, make sure you pet
my back 2 times.
6) Soon, every time you tickle my tummy, I will give you a kiss.
7) If you always pet my back 2 times when I give you a kiss, I will always remember
to give kisses when my tummy is tickled. If you forget to pet my back, I may forget
to give you a kiss when you tickle my tummy.
The example above is for an activity that I do when you tickle my tummy. You can do
the same thing for any activity you like that I do if you cover my eyes, make a big
sound, pick me up and rock me, or turn me upside-down. The important thing is that
you tell me that you want me to repeat the action by petting my back 2 times after the
first time I do it and then 2 times after every other time.
If you want to change what I do, you can pet my back after another activity and I will
begin to replace the original trick. Therefore, if you taught me to give you a kiss when
you cover my eyes but decide you want me to make a raspberry sound instead, just
remember to pet my back 2 times after I make the raspberry sound when you cover
my eyes.
We Furbys love to talk to each other. If you and a friend have two or more Furbys,
start a conversation by placing us so that we can see each other and then tickle my
tummy or pet my back. Give us a chance to get to know each other and if we do not
start talking to each other, try again.
You can also get us to dance by clapping your hand 4 times. See how many ways you
can get us to communicate with each other!
We Furbys have to be able to see each other to communicate. For me to talk to another
Furby, place me facing the other Furby and make sure we are within 4 feet of each
other. This illustration shows where each of us will need to be in order to communicate.
Maximum 4 feet
Maximum 30