Instructions (UK)
Where to play:
Gator Golf plays best indoors on a low-pile carpet. Avoid rough surfaces
and shaggy carpeting.
Place the gator in the center of an open area.
Take a putter and its matching colored ball. Slide
the score marker on your putter to “0”. Your
opponent does the same. Figure 3 shows how to
move your score marker.
Now place the balls side by side, an equal distance
away from the gator. This is the starting position
for both players.
Open the Gator’s Mouth:
Before you start playing, open the gator’s mouth by holding down its
lower jaw and pulling up its top jaw until it locks into the open position.
Choose a player to putt fi rst. Players then alternate turns.
On Your Turn
Each player takes one putt per turn. The goal is to “sink your putt” by hitting your ball
through the gator’s mouth into his tail.
If you don’t have a clear shot at the gator’s mouth, use your turn to “set up” a clear shot
for your next turn.
• If you sink your putt, the gator will fl ip the ball out with his tail! Each putt you sink is
worth one point. See Sinking Your Putt.
• If you don’t sink your putt, your turn is over. Leave your ball wherever it stopped. You
must putt from that location on your next turn.
Sinking Your Putt
You score one point for each putt you sink. Score your point by sliding the score marker on
your putter to the next higher number. Your turn is then over.
Leave the ball wherever it stopped after the gator fl ipped it out. On your next turn, you
must putt from that location. Then open the gator’s mouth to get him ready for the next
Putting Pointers
• Interference.
If your ball is touching an object (a wall, furniture, your opponent’s ball,
even the gator), you may move it one putter head away from that object at the beginning
of your turn.
• Putting Around.
If your opponent’s ball is between your own ball and the gator’s
mouth, you must try to putt around it.
The fi rst player to reach 4 points wins the game!
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Figure 3
Push the score mark-
er with your thumb
until it reaches the
“0” position.